Paul Kurtz

Paul Kurtz was a Professor Emeritus of Philosophy at the State University of New York at Buffalo. He was founder and chairman of the Committee for Skeptical Inquiry (formerly CSICOP), the Council for Secular Humanism, Center for Inquiry, and Prometheus Books. He was editor-in-chief of Free Inquiry magazine; a Fellow of the American Association for the Advancement of Science; and Humanist Laureate and president of the International Academy of Humanism. He was author or editor of some forty-seven books and drafted Humanist Manifesto II and Humanist Manifesto 2000.

Posts by Paul Kurtz

The Convictions of a Humanist

The great humanist lion, Paul Kurtz, was honored by the American Humanist Association on Saturday, June 9, 2007, at its annual conference in Portland,... Read More