AHA Membership Survey: We Want Your Feedback

Readers of Humanist Network News and members of the American Humanist Association are invited to take part in a survey conducted by Duke University graduate student Marcus Mann to learn more about the humanist movement.
This consent form asks you to take part in a survey. The survey is being conducted by Marcus Mann, a graduate student in the Duke University Department of Religion and member of the Triangle Freethought Society, an affiliate of the American Humanist Association.
Title of Survey: American Humanist Association Membership Survey
Reasons for the Survey: This survey seeks to understand atheist culture and community in the United States, especially in relation to atheist community building and political activism.
What You Will Be Asked To Do: The survey will take only a few minutes of your time. Your participation in the survey is voluntary. You can refuse to answer any question or stop taking the survey at any time.
How Your Confidentiality Will Be Maintained: Your participation in this survey is anonymous and your name will not be linked to any of your answers at any time. Any identifying information revealed in the long-answer portion of the survey will be altered or eliminated to protect your identity.
Benefits and Risks: This survey will not benefit you personally. We know of no risks to you for participating in this study. If you have any questions about this survey, you may contact Marcus Mann at any time. If you have any questions regarding your rights as a participant in this survey, you may contact the Chair of the Human Subjects Committee at 684-3030 or at ors-info@duke.edu.
If you would like to participate, please continue to the survey section by clicking here or the button below.
Contact Information:
Marcus Mann
MA in Religion Candidate, 2014
Duke University Department of Religion