While it may certainly often be true that “Even in modern times, Jewish law treats women as less than fully human,” it also may certainly be equally true that societies treat male as less than fully human.
See the commentary, “Greater Outrage for Female Victims of Gov’t. Brutality Fuels Risk to Both Sexes,” at http://tinyurl.com/3jwu4xp . It contains a sexist statement by Sec. Hillary Clinton.
While it may certainly often be true that “Even in modern times, Jewish law treats women as less than fully human,” it also may certainly be equally true that societies treat male as less than fully human.
See the commentary, “Greater Outrage for Female Victims of Gov’t. Brutality Fuels Risk to Both Sexes,” at http://tinyurl.com/3jwu4xp . It contains a sexist statement by Sec. Hillary Clinton.