Karma, Dharma, Pudding & Pie

“Karma, dharma, pudding, and pie...” isn’t exactly how we remember the line read to us in our tender years. But then, nursery rhymes are no longer thought of in the same way either—as innocent little... Read More

Cathartic Comics

...an assortment of cartoons and comic strips about humanism, atheism, religion, science and freethought.HumanistNetworkNews.org May 13, 2009 Freethunk! Comics and humor for freethinkers and potential freethinkers. You're not crazy, they are! COPYRIGHT JEFF SWENSON The... Read More

Attendance Check

Swapping cigarettes, jabs, chips, they drift like Rockaway waves from the boys home into the classroom, ninth graders no one would bet on, discarded by split parents. The deck of misfortune they inherited keeps shoving... Read More

Against Optimism

It’s a lonely fight, no more so than when the broken rhododendron--an ancient spidery thing just off the back porch-- flares for two fiery weeks each May, so scarlet and profuse, so labial, well, it... Read More


Paradiso No blue grocery bags rustle from the lindens lining the freshly paved avenues. No women stop before windows to stare at mannequins blank as angels. A dog barks from a rose garden. Motor scooters... Read More

Of Crows

The beauty of crows should not be forgotten. When colored bullets race down the road's black veins, Their short, broad wings deliver them skyward. A crow's tastes are unsentimental, a testament To the infinite hunger... Read More