Humanist Books for Your Reading List
Thanks to everyone who submitted suggestions for Humanist Books for Your Reading List! Be sure to add any new titles below to your own reading list and deepen your education on humanism, atheism, and freethought. Most of the books mentioned below are available on or Humanist Press.
- Toward the Light, by John S. Compere
- Evolution’s Child, by Charles Lesher
- Shadow on the Moon, by Charles Lesher
- The Freethinking Humanist, by Paul Jacob
- Did Man Create God?, by David E. Comings
- Religion Explained: The Evolutionary Origins of Religious Thought, by Pascal Boyer
- Time Traveling with Science and the Saints, by George Erickson
- Eyes Wide Open: Living Laughing loving and Learning in a Religion-Troubled World, by George Erickson
- The Bible Naked, the Greatest Fraud Ever Told, by Sam Warren
- The Priest, the Pastor and the Rabbi (850 Religious Jokes), by Sam Warren
- The Amateur Spy and Mates, by Joel Welty (available for free on
- Nailed: Ten Christian Myths that Show Jesus Never Existed at All, by David Fitzgerald
- The Code for Global Ethics, Ten Humanist Principles, by Rod Tremblay
- Hope’s Fool, by William H. White
- Prehumous Unpoetic Poems, by Steven Selman
- Born Atheist, by Tim Covell
- Why I Am Not a Christian, by Bertrand Russell
- The Good Book: A Secular Bible, by A.C. Grayling
- Everything I Understood About America I Learned in Chinese Proverbs, by Wendy Liu
- God is Not Yet Dead, by Vitezslay Gardavsky
- Sent Back, by Jack Wilson
- Godless, by Dan Barker
- Freethinkers: A History of American Secularism, by Susan Jacoby
- Falling Back to Earth and The Ungodly Crew, by John T. Goldthwait
- The Flipside of Godspeak: Theism as Constructed Reality, by John F. Crosby
- 2000 Years of Disbelief: Famous People with the Courage to Doubt, by James A. Haught
- From Tyndale to Madison: How the Death of an English Martyr Led to the American Bill of Rights, by Michael Farris
Children’s Books
- Who Made the Sun, Mommy?, by Michael Hardesty
- There’s a Purple Dragon in My Washing Machine, by Raul Martinez
If you have another humanist or atheist book to add to this list, please share them with us in the Comments Section below!