See What Local Groups Are Doing for National Day of Reason

Want your local humanist group want to participate in National Day of Reason but don’t know how to start? It’s not too late! There are many local groups throughout the country that plan to celebrate National Day of Reason with potluck dinners, lectures, rallies, and more. Get inspired and learn what other humanist groups are doing to celebrate National Day of Reason on Thursday, May 1.
The Humanists of Minnesota and Minnesota Atheists are jointly celebrating National Day of Reason at the Minnesota State Capitol on Thursday, May 1. These two groups and other supporters will gather together and listen to members from several organizations that have a positive secular presence in Minnesota. There will also be representatives who will speak on “how they view the benefits of separating government and religion.”
Members of the Hickory Humanist Alliance are hosting an event at their town square in Hickory, North Carolina, in an effort to have their voices heard! Hickory Humanist Alliance is having a “Rally on the Square” in order to “to demonstrate the need for equality and acceptance of all people, regardless of faith or lack of faith.”
The Secular Humanists of the Lowcountry, a local group in Charleston, South Carolina, are hosting Reasonfest, an educational yet lighthearted event to mark the National Day of Reason. The event will host a wonderful lineup of speakers and entertainers, including a stand-up comic, a presentation Military Association of Atheists and Freethinkers President Jason Torpy, and more.
If your local group is hosting a National Day of Reason event, don’t forget to add it to the National Day of Reason map!
If the closest humanist group to you isn’t planning any National Day of Reason events this year, there’s lots of ways to get involved as an individual. If you’re on Facebook, consider changing your profile picture to the National Day of Reason logo, which you can download here, and show your support for reason. For Twitter users, use the hashtag #dayofreason and #NDoR throughout the day. Also, encourage your local or state representative to declare May 1 a “Day of Reason” through a proclamation.
And of course, whatever you do on May 1, be reasonable!