Moms and Kids Stand Up for Immigrants, Diversity, Liberty, and Justice
In anticipation of Mother’s Day, hundreds of members from MomsRising, United We Dream, and other allied groups met this morning to stand up for the rights of immigrant families and refugees. In unison, they marched and chanted from the DC metro stop at Federal Triangle to the Trump International Hotel in an effort to remind officials that “core American values, including liberty, justice, freedom, and diversity, must be upheld.” Moms and their children pushed strollers that carried thousands of Statue of Liberty figures that will be delivered today to President Donald Trump, US Attorney General Jeff Sessions, and every member of the US Senate. The Statue of Liberty figures represent the ideals of liberty and justice and that “diversity is what has made this nation strong, innovative, and prosperous.”
There was an overwhelming sense of fear amongst the crowd and a sense of urgency to address the importance of immigrant’s rights. Despite their fears, march participants maintained their sense of community and hope that their actions will result in creating a safer and more welcoming environment for immigrants and will influence policy supportive of universal health care, gun safety laws, and criminal justice reform.

Organizers and their families stand together in support of immigrant communities and refugees. After marching to Trump International Hotel, they delivered thousands of Statues of Liberty (packed in the boxes) to President Donald Trump, US Attorney General Jeff Sessions, and members of the US Senate.

Moms Rising was one of the groups leading the event. With grassroots teams in all fifty states, their mission is to increase family economic security, decrease discrimination, and build a nation where both businesses and families can thrive.

Members from United We Dream, the largest immigrant youth-led organization in the nation, carried their banner and marched together in solidarity with the immigrant community.

Supporters stood in front of the Trump International Hotel and listened to powerful messages from members and advocates of the immigrant community.