When Should Humanists Oppose Abortion? When Scientology Forces It on Church Members
With reproductive rights constantly under attack in the United States, humanists spend a significant amount of time and effort defending abortion access, whether through volunteering and donating to pro-choice organizations or by explaining to friends... Read More
Three Warning Signs That Village Atheism Is Your New Religion
I recently came across an open attempt to “diss” secular social justice activism. In the interest of not igniting some kind of flame war, I’ll just say that the author’s intent was clear but the... Read More
What Has God Done for Me Lately?
I’m getting tired of this whole God business. I used to regard God with a sort of benevolent patience, like a successful author might regard an English teacher who used to give him a hard... Read More
In Praise of Imperfection
In pagan times, people worshipped various humanoid supernatural deities who did not even pretend to be perfect. Gods like Zeus and Odin, busy smiting and seducing, seemed to make many mistakes and to have a... Read More
Faith Without God
I grew up with a Catholic mother and a humanist father. We went to church on Sundays, and I went to Sunday school as a child. My most vivid memory of that time was eating... Read More
Secularism the Scottish Way: What the US Can Learn from a Majority Non-Religious Country
How can religion be discussed in a secular way? Do conversations about religion inherently promote a religious agenda, or can the topic of religion be neutral? These are difficult questions to answer, especially in particularly... Read More
Climate Change and the Migration of Infectious Disease
The Zika virus is all over the news. Zika is surely dangerous, but it has its limitations and is likely to be well contained. However, its greater significance extends beyond any current spread. Instead, it... Read More