John Hooper

John Hooper, Ph.D., is a retired scientist and research director, having pursued a career in molecular imaging and spectroscopy. Hooper has held local and national leadership positions in organizations involving naturalism, Humanism, and Unitarian Universalist social action. He is treasurer of the American Humanist Association Board of Directors and chair of the board’s Budget and Strategic Planning Committee; a board member of The Institute for Humanist Studies, and a trustee of the UU Church of the Larger Fellowship. He previously served as president of the Unitarian Universalist Humanist Association ( and president of the Secular Coalition for America Education Fund. John is a founding member of both the Humanists and Freethinkers of Fairfield County (CT) and the Pittsburgh (PA) Freethought Community, where he is chair of the development committee. He and his wife, Dr. Gail M. Pesyna, a retired foundation executive, now live in Pittsburgh, PA.
Posts by John Hooper
The Bright Future of the AHA
To celebrate the American Humanist Association’s (AHA) 80th anniversary, we first revisited and reflected on some of our greatest accomplishments throughout the years. What... Read More
Humanist EDge: Educating Strong Humanist Leaders
The early-twentieth-century American writer and historian James Truslow Adams once said, “There are two educations: one to show us how to make a living... Read More
What Does the Boy Scouts-Unitarian Universalists Agreement Mean for Humanists?
I had mixed feelings when I learned that the Unitarian Universalist Association (UUA) had signed a memorandum of understanding with the Boy Scouts of... Read More