Phillip F. Schewe

Phillip F. Schewe is the director of communications of the Joint Quantum Institute at the University of Maryland. His book about theoretical physicist and mathematician Freeman Dyson will be published this winter by St. Martin’s Press.
Posts by Phillip F. Schewe
At $7 billion, the discovery was a bargain. The money went mostly to building and staffing the world’s most complex machine, buried deep beneath... Read More
Spoil the Earth, Spare the Child: Freeman Dyson’s Inconvenient Climate Views
There he was, gnomically staring out from the cover of the March 29, 2009, New York Times magazine. The accompanying article proclaimed Freeman Dyson... Read More
In Pursuit of the God Particle
The large hadron collider, the atom smasher sitting beneath Geneva, Switzerland, is the largest and most expensive scientific instrument ever built. On September 10,... Read More