US Rep. Jerry McNerney
Jerry McNerney is a member of Congress in his seventh term who represents California’s ninth congressional district. He is a senior member of the Energy and Commerce Committee, which has jurisdiction of many aspects of climate change as well as over technology, telecommunications, and healthcare. He also serves on the Science Committee, which decides federal appropriations over much of the federal scientific research. He is co-chair of the AI Caucus, the WIFI caucus, the Grid Innovation Caucus, and the bipartisan Congressional Caucus on Campaign Finance Reform. In 2018 he helped found the Congressional Freethought Caucus. McNerney graduated from the University of New Mexico in 1981 with a PhD in mathematics in the field of differential geometry. He worked in the wind energy field for Sandia National Laboratory and private industry for over twenty years. He has two wind energy related patents, and has published Clean Energy Nation with coauthor Martin Cheek.
Posts by US Rep. Jerry McNerney
What Are We Doing about Climate Change?
The Threat OVER SEVEN BILLION human beings are dumping more than thirty gigatons of heat-trapping carbon dioxide (CO2) into the atmosphere every year. Despite... Read More