Valerie Tarico

Psychologist Valerie Tarico writes about issues spanning Christian fundamentalism, the role of women in society, reproductive rights and health, and contraceptive technologies. Her book, Trusting Doubt: A Former Evangelical Looks at Old Beliefs in a New Light (2010), explores moral and rational inconsistencies in fundamentalist Christian traditions and offers personal insight into the application of “constructive curiosity” to our most closely guarded beliefs. Tarico contributes to a variety of online news and opinion sites, and her articles and media can be found at
Posts by Valerie Tarico
Can Bacteria Help Us Understand Religion?
RELIGION IS one of the most powerful forces in human society. Before the rise of the Christian Right in the United States and before... Read More
Savior? Shaman? Myth? Ink Blot?
DURING A DECIDEDLY staid Presbyterian wedding ceremony some years back, I passed the time reading the Gospel of Matthew from the Bible sitting before... Read More