A New Foundation for Civilization: The 11 Ways of Wisdom
Science and religion must both be re-conceptualized in order to provide the new foundation for civilization. First, they must both be recognized as existing in the same domain, since, when properly understood, both of them exist in the natural realm as interpreted by individuals. This is the domain of deterministic causes and effects (as understood through chaos theory), and both science and religion are necessary to develop the new foundation. Each of them provides an essential part of the answer I envision.
Science provides the general approach for studying everything. And, this needs to be recognized, which I do by defining science as the search for congruency; i.e., the uniformity of nature (everything fits together and is connected). As a result nothing is beyond the reach of scientific study.
The true essence of religion also needs to be recognized, and in my new interpretation this does not involve spirit causality. Instead, it is the meaning of life issue—only better understood. Traditionally, religion has included spirit causality as an essential feature, just as astrology, alchemy and almost everything else before science. And it has been a truism that this is necessary. This false assumption lies at the core of the problem since we must overcome this assumption or science and religion are in fact not unifiable.
But they must be unified if we are to reach the light, and actually, this is not an insurmountable problem. In principle it is an easy problem once we rid ourselves of the assumptions that guide us in the wrong direction. Up to this point humanists and others who are committed to reason have let others define the terms of the discussion. This is a serious mistake.
Ethics is a key matter because this is the realm in which a sustainable feeling of well-being exists—it lies at the core of human behavior and exists in the world of cause and effect. I approach this with the below 11 Ways of Wisdom. These are evidence-based guidelines for achieving a sustainable feeling of well-being.
1. Recognize that human beings are—for us—the ultimate reference system.
2. Endeavor to maintain and improve the human species by supporting efforts to develop enlightened communities.
3. Seek to understand—pursue wisdom.
4. Recognize that all knowledge rests on assumption and/or convictions and must always be open to questioning since beneath every fact lies potentially unquestioned notions.
5. Strive to make the best choices possible.
6. Know and struggle to improve yourself; work to be physically and mentally healthy.
7. Develop and adopt a perceptual framework in which pain/suffering does not prevent the achievement of a sustainable understanding that your life has meaning.
8. Help and be helped by other people.
9. Work to increase knowledge and all creative and artistic endeavors.
10. Support efforts to ensure that every child is provided a loving, nurturing life and all the things necessary to become an enlightened person.
11. Make of your life an inspirational quest: the naturalistic desire to experience beauty, intellectual fulfillment, and reach the highest of which one is capable.
In essence: Work to become an enlightened person.
If this approach interests you, let me know your feedback. With your help, I would like to start creating ways to move humanity toward the light in a planned and rapid way, rather than the slow, unplanned way that has been happening for thousands of years.
Click here to see all articles in Arthur Jackson’s A New Foundation for Civilization series.