The Humanist Hour #58: Soldier Spiritual Fitness and Rock Beyond Belief
A new installment of the AHA’s Audio Podcast is available for listening. Keep reading to find out about the guests on this month’s show.
In this month’s podcast, listen to Jes Constantine and guest interviewer, Todd Stiefel, speak with Justin Griffith about his experience as an atheist in the U.S. Army and, more specifically, about failing the Spiritual Fitness component of the Comprehensive Soldier Fitness test and turning that experience into a freethought activist opportunity with Rock Beyond Belief. Also: don’t forget to celebrate Darwin Day this February 12th! Happy Birthday, Charles!
About Rock Beyond Belief:
Rock Beyond Belief is an ambitious project that will be putting on a free festival consisting of secular speakers and musicians, both big name and small. We are a small grass-roots outfit, but we have the backing of many major secular and military foundations. Currently we are focusing on a large-scale event that will be on the main post parade field on Fort Bragg. Eventually Rock Beyond Belief wants to spread the message to many other military installations.
About Darwin Day:
Darwin Day is an international celebration of science and humanity held on or around February 12, the day that Charles Darwin was born on in 1809. Specifically, it celebrates the discoveries and life of Charles Darwin — the man who first described biological evolution via natural selection with scientific rigor. More generally, Darwin Day expresses gratitude for the enormous benefits that scientific knowledge, acquired through human curiosity and ingenuity, has contributed to the advancement of humanity.
Links from this month’s episode:
- Rock Beyond Belief:
- Fort Bragg’s Military Atheists and Secular Humanists (M.A.S.H):
- Triangle Freethought Society:
- Military Association of Atheists and Freethinkers:
- Steifel Freethought Foundation:
- International Darwin Day Foundation:
Music from this month’s episode (in order of appearance):
“What you want” by Spoonboy
“When I was 4” and “You don’t have to be a scientist to do experiments on your own heart” by Jeffrey Lewis
Editor’s Note: Though we recommend subscribing to our podcast using a program like iTunes, you can start listening right now by downloading audio file directly:
- Direct Download: thh58.mp3
(right click the link to save the mp3 file or left click to listen).