Join Us Virtually for AHA’s 80th Annual Conference

We’re less than two months away from the American Humanist Association’s 80th Annual Conference! This year we’re celebrating eighty years of humanist thought and action by bringing our humanist community together for a whole new kind of virtual conference.
We hope you’ll join us on Saturday, July 24th and Sunday, July 25th for two days of exciting sessions, awards and presentations, as well as in the week preceding those days for social, networking and training opportunities. Humanists across the country will have a chance to be a part of the action through networking roundtables, discussion boards, and by creating their very own conference profiles in order to seamlessly connect with attendees and exhibitors. The conference will wrap up with a Virtual Lobby Day on Monday, July 26th for a day filled with hands-on, but virtual, political activism. Humanists have an important part to play in shaping our nation’s politics, and now more than ever our voices need to be heard. At the Virtual Lobby Day, you’ll learn how to lobby lawmakers and apply your new skills in virtual meetings with your member of Congress and/or their staff!
Session speakers will include our friends and allies from progressive organizations across the country. Tiffany Ho of Foundation Beyond Belief and Sarah Ray of Atheists of Polk County will discuss humanism and service. Mark Reimers will lead us in a talk about how neuroscience can help us understand how America lost its mind. Glenn Branch of the National Center for Science Education will show us the twists and turns of teaching evolution. Millennial and Gen Z humanist leaders will come together to discuss organizing humanists. A panel of special guests will explore climate justice and public policy. And much more!
Of course it wouldn’t be an AHA conference if we didn’t take time to honor notable humanist leaders who help cultivate a more progressive society. Reserve your ticket today to hear from our 2021 Humanist of the Year, to be announced soon!
Our social events during the week leading up to the Conference will include:
- Author readings
- Networking opportunities
- Affinity groups
- Interactive sessions for humanist leaders
- And a Celebration of Thanks for Executive Director Roy Speckhardt’s many years of service to humanism
Tickets for the Conference are just $15 for Full Registration and $5 for students. The ticket includes all Conference events, except the Celebrant Training, Lobby Day and the Center for Freethought Equality Annual Meeting which will require separate registration. (Watch for more details about those events soon!) Local chapters and affiliates are encouraged to host a conference watch party with other fully vaccinated humanists.
Sounds exciting? Visit for more a complete schedule and the latest updates. Registration is open now! Click on “Ticket Registration” to reserve your tickets today. This will be an 80th anniversary celebration you won’t want to miss!