AHA Board of Directors Election Results

In accordance with American Humanist Association bylaws, the AHA Election Committee met on October 9, 2012, at the AHA’s national office to review the ballots cast for the AHA Board of Directors candidates. There were nine candidates for six openings on the Board. A total of 866 ballots were counted.
As a result, the following people listed alphabetically have been elected to four-year board terms: Debbie Allen, Robert Boston, Rebecca Hale, Anthony Pinn, Herb Silverman, and Kristin Wintermute.
The Election Committee consisted of the following AHA members in good standing, none of whom are paid employees of the AHA, who volunteered for this duty: Michael Reid, Kelly Damerow, and chair Steven Lowe. The AHA thanks these individuals, as well as the members of the nominating committee—Carl Coon, Amanda Metskas, Linda Miller, Warren Wolf, and chair Mel Lipman—for donating their time to this important task. We also thank all members who participated in this election, continuing the AHA’s tradition of being a democratic humanist membership organization.
The next meeting of the board will be in Washington, DC on November 10, 2012. Following that meeting the newly constituted board will elect its officers.