11 College Courses in Modern Humanism

College Courses in Modern Humanism
Did you know that you can take college courses in humanism? Mesa Community College in Mesa, Arizona (near Phoenix) hosts the New Frontiers for Lifelong Learning program, a self-directed, peer-led organization which offers lecture programs on topics of interest to the Arizona community.
One of the lectures, “History of Humanism,” is led by longtime AHA and Humanist Society of Greater Phoenix member Dr. Harold Saferstein, who reports that 30 people are currently enrolled in the course. “History of Humanism” discusses the thoughts of some of the great figures in humanist history such as Charles Darwin, Voltaire, Diderot, Spinoza, Carl Sagan, and Bertrand Russell.
Understanding Humanism: October 11-November 29
1. What is Humanism? – John Compere
2. History of Humanism/Famous Humanists – Harold Saferstein
3. Science and Humanism (Cosmology and Ecology) – Charles Lesher
4. The Scientific Method and Humanism – John Sadowsky
5. The Humanities and Humanism – Zenaido Quintana
6. Ethics and Humanism – Harvey Turner
7. Humanism and Political Issues – Dick Miller
According to Dr. Saferstein, all of the courses so far have been very well received. One person approached Dr. Saferstein to say his lecture was enjoyable and encouraged her to “come out of the closet” as an atheist. He also notes that the courses do not aim to offend anyone’s religious beliefs.
Five lectures have already been completed. “Ethics and Humanism” will be held on November 15, and “Humanism and Political Issues” will be held on November 29.