Humanism on the move
American Atheists Introduce New President
David Silverman has been elected to replace Dr. Ed Bucker as the president of American Atheists. Silverman has previously worked as the organization’s New Jersey state director, communications director, national spokesperson, board member and vice president. He holds a bachelor’s from Brandeis University and an MBA from Penn State.
“David Silverman was, despite that fierce competition, an easy choice,” said Dr. Ed Buckner. “His dynamic, energetic, creative, fun-loving, intelligent approach to this organization and to atheism will take us far and take us there quickly.”
Freedom From Religion Foundation Denounces “Fort Brag Rock the Fort”
Freedom From Religion Foundation has denounced the Fort Brag Army Base’s upcoming “Fort Bragg Rock the Fort” in a recent press release and letter addressed to the commanding general. The event is hosted by the Billy Graham Evangelistic Association with the intention of bringing “the Christian message to all of Fort Bragg and the surrounding community.” The FFRF noted that such an event disobeys the Department of Defense policies against “any preferential treatment of religion.”
“Fort Bragg is not an appropriate venue to host a proselytizing, evangelical festival,” the letter read. “‘Fort Bragg Rock the Fort’ places the Army’s imprimatur on a strictly evangelical Christian message. Fort Bragg, where our brave Army servicemen and women train and live, should not be used as a platform for outside sectarian religious organizations.”
The Stiefel Freethought Foundation Launches with Secular Teen Donation
The Stiefel Freethought Foundation has launched with a $50,000 donation to a program created in support of nonreligious teenage groups. The program, focused on secular values education and community service, will be run by the Secular Student Alliance. The grant will fund “group-starting kits, group-running guides, leadership training, discounted access to prominent speakers, and monetary project grants.”
“These students have the passion and the numbers to create a more compassionate, reason-driven society,” said Todd Stiefel, founder of the Stiefel Freethought Foundation. “What they often lack is the support. Our foundation is delighted to provide them with the opportunities they deserve.”
Secular Coalition for America Announces First State Affiliate
The Secular Coalition for American has announced its first state affiliate: the Secular Coalition for Arizona. The addition will be celebrated at Scottsdale Library Civic Center Auditorium in Scottsdale, Arizona on Oct.12 at 6 p.m. The event will feature Secular Coalition for America Executive Director Sean Faircloth and Arizona State Representative Kyrsten Sinema.
“The founding of this new organization represents the dawn of an exciting new effort to establish Secular Coalition state affiliates in all fifty states and the District of Columbia, giving activists the chance to advance secular values at all levels of government,” said Sean Faircloth. “We are thrilled to welcome Secular Coalition for Arizona into our growing family.”
Metro State Atheists Launch “Food for Freethought”
The Metro State Atheists have launched their “Food for Freethought” project, which exchanges banned books for non-perishable food. The food will be donated to the Food Bank of the Rockies. The “banned” titles will include copies autographed by Hemant Mehta , Daniel Dennett , James Randi, Michael Shermer, Dan Barker and Richard Dawkins.
“The homeless don’t stop being hungry between the holidays,” said Joel Guttormson, president of Metro State Atheists. “They still need our help, and banned book week is as good a reason as any to motivate giving. It certainly got attention from the secular community.”