Humanism on the move


Oct. 6, 2010

American Atheists Hail Pew Study

American Atheists are praising recent results from the Pew Forum on Religion and Public Life, which revealed that atheists and agnostics have greater religious knowledge than their faithful counterparts. Questions in the survey asked about Christianity and the world’s other major religions. Jews scored second highest in the Pew study, followed closely by Mormons. 

“This confirms what we already suspected,” said David Silverman, president of American Atheists. “Atheists often reach their conclusions about the universe by examining the claims of religion and then finding these claims to be wanting. This is why we challenge every believer to read, study and question their holy book. Give it serious thought before you give it your time and money.”

Americans United for Separation of Church and State Call for Pulpit Politics Investigation

Americans United for Separation of Church and State has called for an IRS investigation into the actions Pastor Paul Blair of Fairview Baptist Church in Edmond, Okla., who expressed support for a gubernatorial candidate during a recent sermon. This sermon was a part of a nationwide movement, Pulpit Freedom Sunday, started by the Alliance Defense Fund and intended to defy the IRS law requiring churches to remain removed from political campaigns in order to keep their tax-exempt statuses.  

“Blair is a top official and paid staff member of Fairview Baptist Church,” wrote Rev. Barry W. Lynn, executive director of Americans United, in the complaint filed with the IRS. “He was speaking to the congregation in his official capacity and during a church meeting. As such, his candidate endorsement from the pulpit constitutes an official endorsement by the nonprofit religious organization itself.”

 Center For Inquiry Announces Campaign for Free Expression Winner

Center for Inquiry has announced its 2010 winners for its Campaign For Free Expression video contest.  

“The Center for Inquiry is pleased to announce that Gregory Walsh and John Schmid of Maryland are the Grand Prize winners of its Campaign for Free Expression Video Contest, which asked contestants to submit short videos in the form of a public service announcement that addresses the importance of free expression,” read their website. 

The award-winning video can be viewed here