Humanism on the Move
American Atheists are planning on erecting a billboard near the Lincoln Tunnel in New York City in late November. The billboard will read, “ You KNOW it’s a myth! This season celebrate reason!” The ad is intended to target people who celebrate Christmas but don’t believe in Christ.
“Many people follow religions and observe rituals in which they do not believe,” said Dave Silverman, president of American Atheists. “They go along to get along, which simply leads to more prejudice and bigotry. Closeted atheists hurt themselves and others like them by remaining silent about what they know to be true.”
The Freedom From Religion Foundation and a nontheist student club at Kent State University placed ads on buses serving the campus that challenge religion.
“Keep Religion Out of Government” reads one of the ads.
The ads are just the latest in FFRF’s national billboard and bus campaigns. “We’re taking our campaign to the unmassed masses via the mass media,” said Annie Laurie Gaylor, co-president of FFRF. “We also think it’s nice that our advertising, in this case, helps subsidize and encourage mass transit.”