Humanist Network News Podcast #44: HumanLight
[Nov. 25, 2009]

A new installment of the HNN Audio Podcast is available for listening. Keep reading to find out about the guests on this month’s show.

You can listen to the show using the podcast player in the player below, or download the show here.

For a complete list of HNN Audio Podcast episode details and transcripts of our show, visit:

In this month’s audio podcast, Jende speaks with Patrick Colucci, the vice chair of the HumanLight committee. The two discuss this humanist holiday, now in its 8th year of celebration. Learn more about why it is celebrated, how it is celebrated, and how your family and community can take part!

Podcast RSS Feed:

Music from this month’s episode:
“The March” from Peter and the Wolf by Sergei Prokofiev
George Winston‘s “Thanksgiving” performed by “Konasdad”





Editor’s Note: Though we recommend subscribing to our podcast using a program like iTunes, you can start listening right now by downloading audio file directly: