Humanist Voices in Verse: Humanist Haiku Contest Winner

Last week we asked you to convey humanism, atheism, or freethought in a creative haiku.
Our readers sent over 70 haikus for consideration! Thank you to everyone who participated!
The winner of the Humanist Haiku Contest and recipient of a Humanist Press book is Sarah Abdallah of New York, NY!
Here is her winning haiku:
Faith is limited.
My desire for the truth?
Shows me galaxies.
Sarah submitted other excellent haikus for consideration, including:
True enlightenment
Lies not with blind acceptance,
But with those who ask.
You came from a rib?
I evolved from so much more.
My history’s vast!
And because we had so many good entries, here are our Honorable Mentions:
Suns, stars, nebulae
Rise at just night. No gods, no
Moving fingers, life.
—Douglas Stewart, Elkhorn, Wisconsin
Lived in the NATURAL WORLD
—Simon Young
before gods were made
there were goodness, justice, love
back to the future!
—Gregory V. Driscoll
Humanism is.
Creationism is not.
Evolution reigns.
—Steve Zimmerman, Fort Wayne, IN
Us? Merely Human.
Gods? Dangerous distractions.
We’re Good without them.
—Harry J. Foxwell, Fairfax, VA
red-orange sunset
magnificent fiery sky
no room for gods there
—Catherine Brick
Our Autumn days near;
The universe moves on, but,
For now, we aren’t alone.
—Felix Kakashi
Congrats again to Sarah Abdallah, and thanks again to everyone who entered! We hope this creative exercise inspires you to write a poem for Humanist Voices in Verse, the poetry column that appears in every issue of Humanist Network News.
If you’d like to contribute original poetry to Humanist Voices in Verse, write to with “Poetry” in the subject line. Please send no more than three poems for consideration per week.