Letters to the Editor
For HumanistNetworkNews.org
Oct. 14, 2009
HNN Readers React
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Christians who HATE atheists or non-believers
(Re: Infosnacking with the Friendly Atheist, Humanist Network News, Oct. 7, 2009.)
Why is non-theism/secular/non-religionist/atheist/atheism, SUCH a threat to the majority of the American populace who are Christian in whatever form that takes? What and why are Christians afraid of when they hear someone is an atheist!
I know of someone who says her "god" speaks to her all the time and an atheist friend of hers, suggested, jokingly that if she's "hearing" voices like that, she needs to go to Bellevue in Manhattan or wherever this hospital is.
Do Christians REALLY believe that the "god" they worship, REALLY actually "talks" to them, telling them what to do? I have a cousin-in-law who told me once that she can't get through her day without 'talking' to her "god" when in reality, it sounds like she can't make any decisions for herself and asks her "god" for guidance when in reality it is she who is making decisions, whether to do with her job, her marriage or whatever.
–Carol Harrison, Ontario, Canada
Reader enjoys Darwin programming
(Re: Parnering with PBS: AHA Spreads the Word About Evolution Programs, Humanist Network News, Oct. 7, 2009.)
Darwin's Darkest Hour was wonderfully portrayed and without being pushy or abrasive to anyone. As an atheist, I wish I would have taped it. And am glad to see there are more similar shows forthcoming.
–Patricia Babington , Windsor, Ontario, Canada
Atheist-hating city council member retains office in Albuquerque
(Re: Albuquerque City Councilor Don Harris attacks opponent for being an atheist, Humanist Network News, Oct. 7, 2009.)
I'm sorry to report that Don Harris was elected to the Albuquerque City Council. I won't claim that his smearing of his opponent, David Barbour, did the job, but it probably didn't hurt. Not living in his district, I was unaware of the ad; it received no local coverage that I saw.
–Jerry N. Wesner, Albuquerque, N. M.