Letters to the Editor
HNN Readers React
For HumanistNetworkNews.org
Mar. 17, 2010
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Kudos for Saving Prom
I was greatly impressed when I read that the prom in Mississippi will go on. AHA members Todd and Diana Stiefel have restored something precious to those young people. They and you get my thanks for adding a happy ending to that sad story.
–John Swindle, Grants Pass, Oregon
The Case for an Evidence-Based Worldview
(Re: Our Secular Decade: Goals and Tactics of the Nontheist Movement, Humanist Network News, Mar. 10, 2010.)
A major problem with recruiting humanists and advocating humanism is that we don't have a decent conceptual framework to believe in and use. Do rational, naturalistic or any of the other nontheist worldview pitches really work? I suspect not.
I choose an evidence-based worldview. Evidence-based gives us a clear position. It is inclusive of all the flavors of nontheism. And, sure, theists believe they see evidence to back up their positions, but their claims can be refuted easily.
I've developed a conceptual framework at http://evidists.org. It needs some more work but I think this is what everyone is looking for.
–Jim Preston, Santa Clara/Silicon Valley, California