Message From the Editor: The Thanksgiving Issue

I was overwhelmed by the number of responses to my question last week on what humanists are thankful for this Thanksgiving. Thank you to everyone who shared inspirational stories and messages on what keeps us going every year—family, friends, good health, and so much more. But we wouldn’t be humanists if we didn’t include an article that reminds us of the tragic history behind Thanksgiving—Jason Torpy offers suggestions on how we can make Thanksgiving more humanistic and progressive in today’s issue.
The next issue of Humanist Network News will be published on December 5, and that means we’re looking for new writers and articles related to the holiday season. Perhaps you know a great holiday gift to include in our annual list of “Great Holiday Gifts for Humanists” (that’s how I got a Charles Darwin bobblehead last year!). Is your local chapter putting on a big HumanLight bash? Are you volunteering for a local food bank or shelter this year? We want to hear from you! Write to us at
Maggie Ardiente
Editor, HNN