MESSAGE FROM THE EDITOR: Why You Now Have No Excuse to Avoid Attending a Freethought Conference Once In Your Life

It’s amazing how many humanist and atheist conferences a nontheist can attend these days. Just a decade ago, it was usually only national freethought organizations that hosted conferences, as it took quite a significant amount of time and funds to put them together. But nowadays, you can’t live in any part of the continental U.S. without a regional freethought conference happening near you—and that’s a great thing! Whether you’re an annual attendee at the American Humanist Association’s National Conference or a devotee of your regional event put on by local chapters, conferences are a great way to meet other freethinkers, exercise your brain on topical issues of humanist concern, and generally have fun with likeminded people—all for the cause of raising the profile of nontheist Americans.

This year the American Humanist Association is proud to be a co-sponsor of two regional conferences: the Colorado Secular Conference on July 20 (AHA President Rebecca Hale will be speaking) and the Pennsylvania Atheist-Humanist Conference September 13-15 (members of the AHA Board of Directors will be both speaking and attending). If you’ve never attended a freethought conference before, and you live in the area, these are events not to be missed! I promise, you’ll have a good time.

Maggie Ardiente
HNN Editor