On August 26, 2013, humanists and feminists will join together to celebrate Women’s Equality Day to commemorate the day when women gained the right to vote, back in 1920. One of our AHA Chapters, the Humanist Society of New Mexico, is putting on a terrific event in Albuquerque attended by leaders of the AHA’s Feminist Caucus, New Mexico State Senators and Representatives, artists, musicians, and many women and men who are fighting for passage of the Equal Rights Amendment. Zelda Gatuskin, co-chair of the AHA’s Feminist Caucus, writes a great article on why we must demand passage of the ERA now.

It’s hard to believe that, even today in our modern society, women continue to fight battles for equal pay for equal work, against elected leaders that want to determine what she can do with her body, and against a society where rape culture exists (as highlighted in an HNN article this week about the excellent awareness event SlutWalk). Can we do more to ensure equality for women? Yes, we can. Learn more about Women’s Equality Day.

Maggie Ardiente
Editor, HNN

NOTE TO READERS: HNN will be taking a short summer break! The next issue will arrive in your mailbox on September 4, 2013.
