Photo Caption Contest Winner Announced

Thanks to everyone who submitted entries for last week’s Photo Caption Contest featuring 2011 Isaac Asimov Science Award winner Steve Wozniak and 1996 Humanist of the Year Richard Dawkins!
The winner was Skip Gallagher with:

Dawkins: “I wonder if Steve realizes Apple is almost a religion?”
Wozniak: “Of course you can be ‘Good Without Jobs’.”
Congrats, Skip! Send an email to with your mailing address and we’ll sendyou a Random Mystery Book from the AHA!
Honorable Mentions:
Steve Bradley:
Wozniak: “I can’t believe they served us coffee without cake. I feel like a fool sitting here drinkingcoffee, and no cake.”
Dawkins: “Would it be so hard for him to say something nice about my dodo bird tie?”
Jason Cornwell (submitted via email):
“Bad enough to be seated with Harold Camping … but watching him wolf down our dessert scrapsbecause it was ‘the last pie before the Rapture’ was too much.”