Save the Date: Reason Rally to Be Held March 24, 2012 in Washington DC

The Reason Rally, a nationwide celebration sponsored by the top secular organizations in the United States, will be held March 24, 2012, in Washington, DC. With the intent to unify, energize, and embolden secular people nationwide, The Reason Rally is a FREE event that will combat negative stereotypes about nonreligious Americans. Slated to be the largest secular event in world history, the rally will be filled with music, comedy, and addresses by leaders of the secular movement.
This event will give secular Americans an opportunity to unite under a banner of reason and community at a level of impact that has never been seen before.
A growing list of diverse speakers includes Richard Dawkins, PZ Myers, Fred Edwords, Greta Christina, Todd Stiefel, David Silverman, Jamila Bey, Hemant Mehta, and the American Humanist Association’s Roy Speckhardt.
Earlier this week the Reason Rally organizers announced that the legendary band Bad Religion will perform at the event. Bad Religion is best known from the punk scene for over three decades. Their hits include “Sorrow,” “Infected,” and “21st Century.” They will take the stage in the late afternoon immediately before closing remarks.
Stay up to date with event details, including additional speakers, at