Sneak Peek of New Film about Atheists: Coming Out in America

A new documentary by Tiroir A Films sheds light on one of the most misunderstood and despised groups in America: atheists.
Coming Out in America (working title) focuses on young people in different parts of the country that are taking the bold step of “coming out” as nonbelievers. The film highlights how their lives are turned upside down because of strong pushback from their schools, peers, the community at large, and in some cases their own family. This pushback ranges from rejection and isolation to physical threats.
What does that tell us about our current society? Is there room for non-religious people to assert their legitimacy within our society? The goal of this film is to show that goodness can exist within everyone regardless of religion or lack of religion. But moreover it shows the need to find common ground in an ever-polarizing country in order to move on and progress as a society.
In April 2011, while researching humanism in the United States today, Tiroir A Films attended the American Humanist Association’s 70th Anniversary Conference in Cambridge, Massachusetts.
Watch the video preview below:
This documentary project is a work in progress. Tiroir A Films is in the exploratory stage and we’re still looking for personal stories to feature as threads in the film. If you are interested in sharing your story with us—and ultimately to the world—contact Tiroir A Films through their website at
Tiroir A Films is also seeking financial sponsors to support Coming Out in America. The American Humanist Association is the fiscal sponsor for this film, and donations toward the film are 100% tax deductible to the fullest extent of the law. Donations can be made out to American Humanist Association (include in the memo line “Tiroir A Films: Coming Out Project”) and mailed to 1777 T Street NW, Washington, DC 20009, or you can contribute online at
To learn more about Coming Out in America, visit