Sounds Like Humanism: A Facebook Campaign

The American Humanist Association’s Facebook page is exploding with activity. As of this writing, over 77,000 Facebook users have “liked” our page, which means 77,000 people are regularly receiving updates from the AHA through their News Feed or by visiting our page directly. If you haven’t joined the American Humanist Association on Facebook, do it now—it’s the fastest way to get news from the AHA the moment it happens.
When our staff learned about a recent quote by the Dalai Lama (a quote made on the Dalai Lama’s own Facebook page, no less) that sounded an awful lot like humanism, we wanted to share it with others. Our excellent graphic designer, Lisa Zangerl, created the following:

“Sounds Like Humanism” is meant to show how values such as compassion toward others, peace, and human rights are a part of humanism—and those values don’t have to be dictated by God.
When we posted the image on Facebook, we were shocked to see the number of “likes” and “shares” skyrocket! In just two days, the number of likes reached 4,022, and the image was shared by 3,224 people. Overall, over 41,000 people saw the image on their News Feed, even if they didn’t “like” or “share” the image.
After the success of the Dalai Lama image, we learned about U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton’s remarks after the devastating tragedy in Libya that killed a U.S. Ambassador and also noticed a parallel with humanism:

This image garnered even more interest: 4,853 “likes,” 4,302 “shares,” and over 48,000 who viewed the image itself! Thank you to all who have liked and shared our images—this is how the humanist movement grows!
We’re looking for new quotes to feature in our “Sounds Like Humanism” Facebook campaign. The quotes can be made by non-believers or believers, but the quotes have to exemplify the values of humanism in a unique way. Send suggestions to