The Humanist Hour Podcast #60: Shining the Light of Reason

[March 23, 2011]

A new installment of the Humanist Hour is available for listening. Keep reading to find out about the guests on this month’s show.

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For a complete list of The Humanist Hour Audio Podcast episode details, visit:

In this month’s audio podcast, Jes Constantine and Todd Stiefel interview Fred Edwords of United Coalition of Reason, debate the concept that vegan priorities are humanist priorities with surprise special guest, Jason Torpy, and highlight the AHA 70th Annual Conference with AHA staffer, Maggie Ardiente.  

Segment 1: Surprise Drop-In by Special Guest, Jason Torpy

Jason Torpy is president of the Military Association of Atheists and Freethinkers and serves on the Board of Directors of the American Humanist Association.  Jason recently wrote an article for the Humanist Network News, AHA’s weekly e-zine, called “Why Vegan Priorities are Humanist Priorities.”  In his short article, Jason claims that you—the enlightened and rational humanist—will suddenly realize the error of your carnivorous ways.  You carnivores, or “carnies,” are torturing animals for fun. Harsh?  True? Both yes.

Let us know what you think by calling our Listener Comment Line: (202) 618-1371

Segment 2: Update on the AHA’s 70th Annual Conference by Maggie Ardiente

Don’t miss one of the largest gatherings of humanists, atheists and freethinkers from across the country! This exciting four-day event, hosted by the Humanist Chaplaincy at Harvard University and held jointly with the Secular Student Alliance, will feature informative breakout sessions, activist training for humanist leaders, banquets honoring distinguished awardees, book signings by celebrity authors, and more!  Maggie Ardiente is the director of development at the American Humanist Association, where she coordinates the AHA’s fundraising programs.

Learn more and register at:

Segment 3: Shining the Light of Reason
with Fred Edwords, National Director of the United Coalition of Reason

Greater St. Louis CoR BillboardFred Edwords has a long history in organized humanism. For 15 years he was executive director of the American Humanist Association and for 12 years editor of the Humanist magazine.  Today he serves as national director of the United Coalition of Reason, a national organization that works to raise the visibility of local nontheistic groups all over America. United CoR does this nationally, by conducting campaigns which highlight the fact that nontheists live in every community across America. Locally, we do this by promoting informal cooperation among local groups, hosting local coalition websites, training group leaders, and funding publicity campaigns.

Links from this month’s episode:

Rock Beyond Belief:
Military Association of Atheists and Freethinkers:
United CoR:
Register for the AHA 70th Annual Conference:

Podcast RSS Feed

Music from this month’s episode (in order of appearance):

Theme Song: “Sound Scientist” by Bill
“Franco Un-American” by NOFX 

Editor’s Note: Though we recommend subscribing to our podcast using a program like iTunes, you can start listening right now by downloading audio file directly: