What Can AHA Do for Your Local Group?

The grassroots level is where the action begins. It is through our day-to-day actions and our ability to mobilize that great change happens. This is exactly why the American Humanist Association has a grassroots program, full of many benefits not only to grow your local group, but to help it thrive. The AHA proudly has over 140 chapters and affiliates in 43 states and the District of Columbia.
Need help getting your group recognized? AHA provides assistance with publicity through multiple streams, such as our website, our annual conference, the AHA’s weekly e-zine Humanist Network News, Facebook, and Twitter. Need outreach? We can help you reach national members in your area during your membership drives. Need to talk to the press? We can provide you with not only press contacts, but the AHA’s professional staff will help you with public relation strategies.
New benefits for Chapters this year include:
- the opportunity to apply for one of three annual regional conference grants for chapters interested in holding conferences (this in addition to our already standing annual grant program)
- an expanded Speakers Bureau, which now includes freethought leaders such as Rob Boston, Fred Edwords, Susan Sackett, and Andy Norman
- a private Forum in which group leaders and coordinators can interact with one another, share success stories, ask questions, and connect
All this is included along with the benefits of joining AHA’s group tax exemption (501c3 educational), low-cost and sometimes free access to AHA materials, and AHA discounted member rates at our annual conference.
The AHA’s field department is currently working on a live back-up of your local chapter’s membership list that can be easily accessible to chapter leaders through a secure server. We’ll also begin providing monthly email updates with information about what’s going on at the national level and other AHA news.
It is through these strategies that we hope to build our grassroots efforts and create change in local communities. To learn more about our grassroots program, check out our webpage.
Ready to start your group, or already a group leader who wants to take full advantage of our program? Contact me today at enguyen@americanhumanist.org.
Eric Nguyen is the field coordinator for the American Humanist Association.