Today is Women’s Equality Day!

New Mexico Governor Susana Martinez has issued a proclamation declaring August 26, 2014, Women’s Equality Day. Mayor Richard Berry has issued a similar proclamation for the city of Albuquerque.
August 26th marks the anniversary of the date of the passage of the Nineteenth Amendment to the U.S. Constitution in 1920, granting women the right to vote. In 1971 Congress designated August 26th as Women’s Equality Day to serve as a symbol of the ongoing fight for equal rights.
The local proclamations were requested by a coalition of women’s and civic organizations led by the Humanist Society of New Mexico (HSNM) and including the Albuquerque Center for Peace & Justice, Albuquerque-NOW, ABQ Raging Grannies, Equality New Mexico, Greater Albuquerque Gray Panthers, New Mexico NOW, Santa Fe NOW, Southwest Women’s Law Center; and the United Nations Association-Albuquerque Chapter.
This is the second year Women’s Equality Day proclamations have been issued for New Mexico and Albuquerque. Last year’s commemoration was marked by a day of festivities at Tiquex Park, spearheaded by HSNM member Dr. Sylvia M. Ramos, who formed and chairs a local Equal Rights Amendment (ERA) Task Force to promote ERA’s passage.
“Women’s Equality Day recognizes advancements in women’s rights, especially our winning the right to vote,” said Dr. Ramos, “but it is also a chance for us to bring attention to the work still to be done. The ERA was introduced ninety years ago and we need it just as much today as we did then. Women need and deserve to have our rights guaranteed under the Constitution.”
Added HSNM president Zelda Gatuskin, “New Mexico has always been at the forefront of gender equality, having ratified the ERA in 1973 and passed our own state ERA that same year. HSNM and our endorsing organizations commend Governor Martinez and Mayor Berry for standing with the women of New Mexico. We hope that women and men across the state will mark August 26 by remembering not only significant national events and figures in the women’s movement, but the struggles and achievements of their own family matriarchs and pioneering women.”
Click here to read Gov. Martinez’s Women’s Equality Day proclamation (PDF).