The One-Year Anniversary of The Ethical Dilemma: Joan Reisman-Brill Asks You Questions
Dear HNN Readers,
Today’s issue marks the first anniversary of The Ethical Dilemma column. I hope you’ve been enjoying it from your side as much as I have from mine.
I thought it would be fun at this mini-milestone to turn the tables and ask you a couple of questions that have been on my mind. Please reply via The Ethical Dilemma at (subject line: Ethical Dilemma). I hope to feed back your feedback in an upcoming issue or two.
Thanks for all your questions (and advice on my advice). Please keep it coming!
—Joan Reisman-Brill
Questions for HNN Readers:
Ask, Tell? Do people ask you about your atheism or humanism? Do you tell people about it, with or without prompting? Tell us what kind of questions you get, what kind of answers you give, and what you tell without being asked. Do you do anything else to reveal your non-believer beliefs, such as wear a humanist t-shirt or scarlet A pin, or march with humanist/atheist groups in parades or demonstrations?
What Do You Do for Community? A lot of people stay in religions because of the sense of community and belonging, ritual and tradition it gives them, and a lot of humanists/atheists/nonbelievers long for connectedness and celebration with like-minded people. What if anything do you miss by not participating in religious life? What have you found to fill any void you perceive, and how well is it working? Do you have any regular un-holy-days, such as celebrating the Solstice or Equinox or Day of Reason? If so, how do you observe these occasions and who joins with you?
Please reply via The Ethical Dilemma at (subject line: Ethical Dilemma) or leave a comment below!