Book Review: On Tyranny: Twenty Lessons from the Twentieth Century
BOOK BY TIMOTHY SNYDER TIM DUGGAN BOOKS, 2017 128 PP.; $5.26 (PAPERBACK) $3.99 (KINDLE) Yale historian Timothy Snyder has written a book on all matters concerning state tyranny—how it comes to be, what to look... Read More
The Comics Section: Positive Spin, Paid Assassins, and Polite Conversations
Your favorites from Jesus and Mo, Raging Pencils, and The Atheist Pig!
Made in China
I wonder how many millions of small white worm cocoons were unraveled to make his tie. I imagine vast fields of them, confined and shining, hanging somewhere in an overseas warehouse under yellow lights lost... Read More
When Colorblindness Isn’t the Answer: Humanism and the Challenge of Race
BOOK BY ANTHONY B. PINN PRITCHSTONE PUBLISHING, 2017 144 PP.; $9.47 (PAPERBACK) $7.99 (KINDLE) ANTHONY PINN'S NEW BOOK, When Colorblindness Isn’t the Answer is his answer regarding the disconnect between humanist philosophy and humanism... Read More
Jesus and Magdalene
BOOK BY JOÃO CERQUEIRA LINE BY LION PUBLICATIONS, 2016 324 PP.; $14.89 (PAPERBACK) $2.99 (KINDLE) JESUS AND MAGDALENE. The title intrigued me enough to give it a go, and I wasn’t disappointed. João Cerqueira’s... Read More
The Comics Section: Identity Politics, Healthcare, and Religious Hypocrisy
Your favorites from Jesus and Mo, Raging Pencils, and The Atheist Pig!
Master of None Masters Non-Confrontational Religious Disaffiliation
[WARNING: Contains plot details of Season 2, Episode 3] For many American nontheists, the actual act of coming out as a humanist, atheist, agnostic, or some other form of nonbeliever can be painful, but isn’t... Read More