Humanist Voices in Verse: “October Spring” by Philip Appleman

This week’s poem “October Spring” is by humanist poet Philip Appleman.
Philip D. Appleman is Distinguished Professor Emeritus at Indiana University-Bloomington. He has published eight volumes of poetry, three novels, and half a dozen nonfiction books, including the widely used Norton Critical Edition, Darwin. His poetry and fiction have won many awards including a fellowship in poetry from the National Endowment for the Arts, the Humanist Arts Award of the American Humanist Association, and have appeared in Harper’s, The Nation, New York Times, and Yale Review.
If you’d like to contribute original poetry to Humanist Voices in Verse, write to with “Poetry” in the subject line.
Please send no more than three poems for consideration per week.
October Spring
When crisp catalpa leaves
come tumbling down the frosty morning air
like tarpaulins for tulips,
it’s spring again in little college towns,
October snipping at our brave beginnings,
the new year pruned away to nine lean months
of three-day weeks and fifty-
minute hours. This new year lights
no dogwood, no magnolia to find us
limping through our shrunken moments or
calling courage from our stubborn past,
the long pilgrimage of algae,
sponges, reptiles, flowers,
men. No robins linger
in the haze of this late spring
to whistle, in our fifty-minute hours,
the miracles to come: birds
of brighter plumage, richer songs,
flowers in subtler shades, men and women
walking together in peace.
But the big catalpa leaves
float crippled down the slanting sun,
brown nourishment to our long
hope, and we are clinging to
our thinning years because brown leaves
are clumsy promises: because it’s
spring again.
—Philip D. Appleman