Post-Debate Commentary of the Bill Nye-Ken Ham Creation-Evolution Debate

The responses on Twitter to last night’s debate on evolution between Bill Nye and Ken Ham seemed to heavily favor Bill Nye and his science-backed performance. While Twitter can not be said to reflect a true picture of everyone’s overall reaction, we thought we’d share a few of them just for fun. If you missed it, you can also watch the debate via YouTube below.
It really doesn’t take much to debate a creationist. just bring the asprin. @aigkenham #creationdebate #teamnye #nyehamdebate #nyevham
— Godless Engineer (@GodlessEngineer) February 5, 2014
Bill is finally talking, that Ken Ham guy read a fairy tale to prepare for his debate #creationdebate #teamnye #nyehamdebate #nyevham
— Dalton Shaffer (@MeowMyMix) February 5, 2014
Ken Ham is going to be haunted by nightmares of disembodied bow ties for years to come. #NyeHamDebate
— Gail Cup Avenger (@GailSimone) February 5, 2014
“What would change your mind?” Ken Ham- Nothing. Bill Nye- Evidence.???? #creationdebate #NyeHamDebate
— ?jordann?? (@joyytothaworld) February 5, 2014
“@ehlanham1982: I wonder if Bill Nye knows how hot it is in hell? #NyeHamDebate” ROFL
— MH (@SamuraiCicero) February 5, 2014
You can’t say “you weren’t there” & then say “our guy was & he told a guy who told a guy who told a guy who wrote it down.” #NyeHamDebate
— seancurry1 (@seancurry1) February 5, 2014
This #NyeHamDebate is making my logic hurt.
— Brianna (@BriBum_) February 5, 2014
Nye looks like he wants to take “A book” and slap the hell outta Ham #NyeHamDebate #BillNye #BillNyeDebate
— Circe (@Kamea_Mameha) February 5, 2014
Ken Ham is trying to ram his square peg beliefs into the round hole of science . Creationism is NOT science. Faith is not evidence. #NyeHam
— Anthony Cumia (@AnthonyCumia) February 5, 2014
Bill Nye’s face when Ken Ham said the universe was 6,000 years old. #NyeHamDebate
— Maximilian (@MaxTaillandier) February 5, 2014
Tonight’s debate #NyevSham – summed up in a cartoon:
— MacLeodCartoons (@MacLtoons) February 5, 2014
Does @TheScienceGuy know everything?! Sounds like it to me.
— Lawrence O’Donnell (@Lawrence) February 5, 2014
I have learned at least one thing at #CreationDebate: Scientists tell terrible jokes.
— Daniel Burke (@BurkeCNN) February 5, 2014
Q for both – favorite color? NYE – Green! HAM- Observational science, Blue. #creationdebate
— Kimberly Winston (@kjwinston11) February 5, 2014
It must be nice to be able to answer any question with “Because Bible.” #NyeHamDebate
— Jeff Wilson (@tip184) February 5, 2014
God will use Ken Ham’s debate tonight in a special way #creationdebate #ToGodbetheglory #NyeHamDebate
— Brett Ammons (@BrettShaneAmmon) February 5, 2014
Watched the Ham and Nye debate and I must say, though I don’t understand everything, I’m glad I serve my God #NyeHamDebate #jesussaves
— Nol/\n Cornelius (@CornBeefNoles) February 5, 2014
#creationdebate > This is why I love thee, Twitter. So much fun stuff under that hashtag. #NyeHamDebate #NyeHamDebate #FishAreSinners!
— Amber Hunt (@ReporterAmber) February 5, 2014
Needed a break from Ham’s presentation, so I watched something more scientific & realistic: Dr. Who. #nyehamdebate
— Jeff Wilson (@tip184) February 5, 2014
You weren’t there! #NyevSham #NyeHamDebate #HamOnNye
— Tofurky Curtains (@SkepticalMeg) February 5, 2014
@TheScienceGuy Take a bow (tie). #NyeHamDebate
— Luke Hilton (@LukeHilton77) February 5, 2014
#NyeHamDebate After this night I predict bow ties will be all the rage with people who have read more than one book. #science
— Mike Zug (@Mikezug01) February 5, 2014
Thankful (I think) that my dad prepared me for 26 + years to understand Bill Nye’s humor. #creationdebate #NyeHamDebate
— Ryan Hoselton (@RyanHoselton) February 5, 2014
There we go. #nyehamdebate // RT @LOLGOP: I’m just afraid when they lose the creationism debate, they’ll blame Eve.
— Joe Sonka (@joesonka) February 5, 2014
Bill apart from the evidence what evidence do you have for the age of the earth? #NyeHamDebate
— Simon Wallett (@SimonWallett) February 5, 2014
“Look Kenny, you recommend that book again and I’ll squirt you with my bow tie!” #creationdebate #NyeHamDebate
— Ryan Hoselton (@RyanHoselton) February 5, 2014
You also know Ray Comfort is masturbating furiously when Ham speaks. #NyeHamDebate
— Fräulein Höff (@e_zulko) February 5, 2014
@americnhumanist @LovelyHumanist: This is NOT a debate on religion,gay marriage,or abortion. Shame on you, @AiG .Great job, @TheScienceGuy !
— Lovely Humanist (@LovelyHumanist) February 5, 2014
@americnhumanist The Creation “Museum” before the debate: Why yes, that is a girl feeding a dinosaur a carrot.
— Christian Cull (@christian_cull) February 5, 2014
@americnhumanist Ham hasn’t heard of Chinese history – Zhenpiyan culture dating 7600 BC, oh but we weren’t there, but Noah was totally real.
— Joshua M Hoover (@JoshuaMHoover) February 5, 2014
I imagine if God was really watching over us, and if he was watched the #creationdebate , even he would be siding with Bill Nye.
— Matthew Cooper (@ILoveMorrigan) February 5, 2014
Its Crazy how much someones worldview can cloud their mind. I wish that everyone wold pray for Bill Nye #creationdebate
— Schuyler Sandusky (@jskyx1) February 5, 2014
RT @sarahfagan6: I stand by Gods word. Bill Nye may have facts but he doesn’t have Faith. #billnye #creationdebate <<< but ….. Never mind
— Qwest Rolex (@QwestRolex) February 5, 2014
After the debate #BillNye took every aspirin in Kentucky …. #CreationDebate
— Brian Beaudoin (@BeaudoinBrian) February 5, 2014
This about sums up the #creationdebate. Great job @TheScienceGuy!
— Jay Bond (@TheSneak) February 5, 2014
“@baby_livs: bill nye may have won the debate but ken ham is going to have eternal life lol #creationdebate” amen
— Jennae Popelas (@idkjennae) February 5, 2014
And here’s video of the the debate