Oriana Ivy

Oriana Ivy is the author of three prize-winning chapbooks, a widely published poet and translator. Her work has appeared in Poetry, Ploughshares, Best American Poetry, The Iowa Review, Nimrod, Prairie Schooner, Southern Poetry Review, and many other magazines and anthologies. A former journalist and community college instructor, she leads an online poetry salon and writes a poetry and culture blog.
Posts by Oriana Ivy
Humanist Voices in Verse: A New Poem By Oriana Ivy
This week’s poem is by Oriana Ivy. She is the author of three prize-winning chapbooks, a widely published poet and translator. Her work has... Read More
Humanist Voices in Verse: “The Laughter of God”
This week’s poem is by Oriana Ivy. Author of three prize-winning chapbooks, Ivy is a widely published poet and translator. Her work has appeared... Read More