The Southern Baptist Convention Leaps Forward Into the 1960s

Write up a list of evil things in this world, from one to however many evils you can think of (off the top of my head I was able to come up with at least... Read More
Trouble in the Sandbox: A Postmortem of Trinity Lutheran Church of Columbia v. Comer

What a mess. Recycled tires, decrepit playgrounds, scraped knees, footnote 3. The Supreme Court of the United States’ decision in Trinity Lutheran Church of Columbia v. Comer was a lot of things, but explicit was... Read More
Humanists Must Enter the Middle East Policy Fray To Prevent War with Iran

In February 2015 I wrote an op-ed for the Humanist titled “Religious Nationalism: A Weapon of Mass Destruction" in which I said that the conflicts ravaging the Middle East could get much worse if certain parties refused... Read More
No Man Is an Island—but Our Species Is Sinking Lots of Them

“Your island has been there for hundreds of years, and I believe your island will be there for hundreds more,” President Trump recently told the mayor of Virginia’s Tangier Island in response to reports that... Read More
Is Steve Bannon Really the Mastermind Frontline Portrays?

I don’t know if it’s true that Mark Twain wrote, “Give a man a reputation as an early riser and he can sleep til’ noon,” but I know it’s a true sentiment regardless. The reputation of... Read More
The Greening of Bill Gates

While some form of nontheism is a necessary condition of humanism, it isn’t sufficient. And for a long time Bill Gates’s putative nontheistic personal philosophy hasn’t seemed sufficient in the light of a number of... Read More
Anti-Vaxxers Stuck It to a Vulnerable Community

Scientists, freethinkers, and medical professionals have been warning about the dangers of anti-vaccination rhetoric and culture ever since vaccines became commonplace nearly two hundred years ago. A marvel of modern science and medicine, vaccines shield... Read More