The Female Nature: A Woman’s Destiny?
Don't give a woman the freedom to choose, because if you do she might just make the wrong choice. Or so goes the reasoning of the majority opinion in the April 18 Supreme Court ruling... Read More
Faith in Hiding: Are There Secular Grounds for Banning Abortion?
The Declaration of Independence asserts our rights to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness, but conflicts between these rights are commonplace. The extreme pro-life, anti-abortion position states that if there's a conflict between an... Read More
America the Beautiful’s Germ Warfare Rash
In his bellicose Cincinnati, Ohio, speech of October 7, 2002, President George W. Bush warned that Saddam Hussein must not be allowed to threaten America with "horrible poisons and diseases and gases and atomic weapons."... Read More
Stark’s Reason: How a California Congressman Became the Most Honest Person in Politics
We have officially entered the presidential campaign season as details of candidates' personal histories and present lives come to the fore. In mid-March historians unearthed the Irish roots of presidential candidate Barack Obama (D-IL), identifying... Read More
How to Counter Religion’s Toxic Effects
Edward O. Wilson and Daniel Dennett advocate new ways to think about religion that can have a profound impact on how we as humanists define our ideology and how we strengthen our public influence. In... Read More
Uneven Terrain: A Peace Corps Farmer in Paraguay Follows the Contours
Photos by Kelly Gleason Another issue of indubitable importance arises: the fact that certain members of the oppressor class join the oppressed in their struggle for liberation, thus moving from one pole of the contradiction... Read More
Grace and Goodwill: The Ballad of Eric-Uncle and Rev. Jey
Photos by James A. Mitchell and VeAhavta Corp. In his September/October 2006 Humanist article, "Soldier Girl? Not every Tamil Teen Wants to be a Tiger," James A. Mitchell examined the life of a young girl... Read More