Saving the Deep Blue Yonder

DR. SYLVIA A. EARLE is explorer in residence at the National Geographic Society, the founder of the Sylvia Earle Alliance (S.E.A.) / Mission Blue and the founder of Deep Ocean Exploration and Research Inc. (DOER).... Read More
Civil Rights and Our Nation’s Conscience

MARTIN R. CASTRO served as chairman of the United States Commission on Civil Rights (USCCR) from 2011 until December 2016 and was the first Latino chairperson in the commission’s history. In September 2016 the USCCR... Read More
In Bed With the Humanists

SUSIE BRIGHT is an acclaimed sex writer, feminist, and civil rights activist. From 1984-1991 she published On Our Backs, the first lesbian sex magazine produced by women, for which she wrote the “Susie Sexpert” advice... Read More
Smile, There is No Hell (and Other Humanist Wisdom)

HERB SILVERMAN is the founder of the Secular Coalition for America and of the Secular Humanists of the Lowcountry in Charleston, South Carolina. He is Distinguished Mathematics Professor Emeritus of the College of Charleston and... Read More
Making Good: Humanist Philanthropy and the Duty to Give

WHILE RELIGIOUS COMMUNITIES have long been touted as philanthropic and generous, with many datasets showing that religious people give more money to charities compared to their secular counterparts, humanism prides itself on compassion and mutual... Read More
How Poverty Kills Wonder and What We Can Do About It

THERE IS ONE AVENUE towards my personal experience of wonder that is guaranteed: Yosemite National Park. I grew up less than an hour from the valley floor and spent many lazy Saturday afternoons dangling my... Read More
Gamm On: The Humanist Interview with Philanthropist Gordon Gamm

Gordon Gamm (left) is a retired attorney, an active investor, and a humanist philanthropist who lives in Boulder, Colorado, with his wife Grace (right). In addition to the major activities mentioned in this interview (which... Read More