The Humanist Hour #131: Positive Humanism, with Bo Bennett
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This is a special live presentation episode of a presentation on positive humanism, given by Bo Bennett to the Concord Humanists in Concord, MA on December 3, 2014.
What is positive humanism? Positive humanism is an applied humanistic philosophy based on the scientific findings of positive psychology that focuses on personal, professional, and societal flourishing.
Translation: As an applied philosophy it offers practical solutions to increase well-being. As a humanistic philosophy, there are no appeals to the supernatural, the magical, or the mystical—the philosophy is founded on reason and critical thinking. The philosophy is science-based, meaning it is void of the unsupported and/or exaggerated claims and the constant confusing of correlation with causality often found in the self-help genre. The philosophy is grounded in the theories of positive psychology, which is the study of the other side of the mental health spectrum—human thriving. The philosophy focuses on concrete strategies to help individuals in all areas of personal growth and professional success, primarily through being of prosocial acts and through distributed kindness.
Bo’s Links:
- Positive Humanism:
- About Bo:
- Twitter: @bobennett