The Humanist Hour #80: AHA President Rebecca Hale

A new episode of the Humanist Hour is available for listening. Keep reading to find out about the guest on this month’s show.
In this month’s podcast, Todd Stiefel interviews Rebecca Hale, the newly elected president of the American Humanist Association.
Rebecca Hale
On Jan. 1, 2013, Rebecca “Becky” Hale became the 20th president of the American Humanist Association. She is the 4th woman to serve in the role. The last female president of the AHA was Suzanne Paul of Farmington, Michigan, whose term completed in 1992. Hale will preside over the current AHA board of directors, which is comprised of six women and six men.
She has been an advocate for secularism and humanism for many years as co-owner of, the largest online store of freethought merchandise. She is also the co-founder of the Freethinkers of Colorado Springs, a local affiliate of the American Humanist Association, and serves on its board of directors. She is a Humanist Celebrant certified by the Humanist Society of the American Humanist Association.
Todd talks to Becky about her background, including growing up as a Unitarian Universalist and why she has moved away from the church while still strongly embracing humanism. Becky reveals her desire to see more attention paid to the younger generation while maintaining and strengthening the AHA’s existing relationships.
Listen to this month’s podcast to find out more about new AHA President Rebecca Hale!
We also bid farewell to podcast co-host Jes Constantine, as she accepts a new position working for the Commonwealth of Massachusetts. We will miss you, Jes!
Links from this month’s episode:
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Music from this month’s episode (in order of appearance):
- Theme Song: “Sound Scientist” by BILL
- “It All Made So Much Sense” by Drew Stedman