Explore humanism and enjoy winter fun in Vermont

Oct. 6, 2010

From March 13 to 18, 2011, a dozen or more students will learn the ins and outs of the humanist philosophy at the Gray Ghost Inn, a homey bed and breakfast nestled below Mount Snow in the beautiful woodlands of Vermont. You could be one of them.

The program is sponsored through a unique arrangement between The Humanist Institute and Road Scholar (formerly Elderhostel). Students will explore the history and philosophy of the humanist movement and discuss how an ethical perspective based on critical thinking, science, and aesthetics can shed light on the important social issues we face today. Along the way, participants will enjoy expert-led walks to Mount Snow and other sites in the area to learn about and admire the local environment. Snow shoeing and cross-country skiing are ideal at this time of year and the ski slopes are uncrowded with pleasant temperatures. 

The location is the village of West Dover in one of Vermont’s most historic and scenic areas.  Well-preserved early 19th-century buildings and stunning vistas of the Green Mountains have attracted visitors from all over the world. It was from here that the famous freethinker and patriot, Ethan Allen, led his Green Mountain Boys to victories in the American Revolution.

The costs are $698 per person, double occupancy, or $848 for single occupancy. The price includes lodging for five nights, meals, instruction, and outings. (Discount ski slope tickets are a little extra.) Activities begin with Sunday evening dinner, March 13, and end with Friday morning breakfast, March 18. Four days of instruction and outings occur in between.

Subject Areas Covered in “Humanism: an Ethical World View”

  • Introduction to and History of Humanism
  • Critical Thinking and Science
  • Aesthestics, Creativity, and Our Emotional Lives
  • Humanism and Contemporary Issues

This course is ideal for members of Ethical Culture societies, freethought and humanist groups, UU churches, traditional religious denominations, friends and relatives of Humanist Institute students and alumni, and many others. For complete course details, travel information, and registration forms, go online to http://www.roadscholar.org/ and key in the search term “Humanism.” It’s only course like it! Now in its second year, it has a four and a half star rating.