This week’s theme is about humanist families. How do we raise our children as humanists? How do parents ask the “big questions” on life? How should humanist children respond when they are pressured by their peers to join a church? If your grandkids are being raised religious, is there anything you as a grandparent can do about it? We don’t aim to have the perfect answer for any of these questions, but hearing first-hand experiences from a humanist kid, mother, father, and grandparent might help. Send us your comments and suggestions at
For those of you who will be at the Reason Rally in Washington DC this Saturday, we look forward to welcoming you to our beautiful city! Stop by at the AHA booth for a free goodie bag of humanist swag, follow the AHA (@americnhumanist) and leaders (@rspeckhardt, @ahadave, @MaggieArdiente, @BrianMageeAHA) on Twitter for live tweets during the rally (use hashtags #reasonrally and #reasonrallyaha), and, most importantly, have a great time!
Maggie Ardiente
Editor, HNN