US Needs Humanists to Correct Its Self-Sabotaging Israel-Palestine Policy

The Middle East is at its most unstable point in decades: Syria, Iraq, Yemen, and Libya are being ravaged by civil wars fueled by outside powers; Saudi Arabia is facing an increase in domestic terrorist... Read More
Filtering Fact from Fiction: A Humanist Response to GMOs

Last week, despite protests from anti-GMO groups, the European Parliament rejected a measure that would allow individual countries to ban genetically modified organisms (GMOs) including certain crops and animal feed. But the issue is hardly... Read More
The Iran Nuclear Deal: Human Reason Triumphs over Greed and Corruption

Make no mistake: President Obama’s nuclear deal with Iran is a historic victory for reason. On July 14, the Obama administration accomplished what no previous U.S. administration had the capacity, tact, or patience to do:... Read More
Christians United for Israel’s Destructive Indoctrination Campaign

The largest Christian Zionist organization in the United States, Christians United for Israel (CUFI), will hold its 10th Annual Summit next week in Washington, DC. Evangelical megachurch pastor and CUFI founder John Hagee will speak, along... Read More
UN Update: AHA Submits Testimony in Support of Free Expression at Human Rights Council Meeting in Geneva

The 29th session of the United Nations’ Human Rights Council, an intergovernmental body made up of forty-seven states working to protect human rights around the world, opened in Geneva, Switzerland, on June 15. According to... Read More
Gloria Steinem and Other Women Activists Cross the North-South Korean Border for Peace

This past Sunday, on International Women’s Day for Peace and Disarmament, a group of thirty women activists from fifteen different countries, WomenCrossDMZ, crossed the demilitarized zone (DMZ) starting from Pyongyang, North Korea into South Korea... Read More
On International Worker’s Day: Rights and Lack Thereof

When you have an office job, it’s easy to gripe about feeling demoralized or disengaged at work, about lack of advancement opportunities, office politics, aging desk furniture or fluorescent lighting, but when you put things... Read More