Humanist Chaplain Congressional Briefing: Urge Your Representative to Attend!

The American Humanist Association will be holding our first-ever congressional briefing on July 22nd at 12:30 in Rayburn 2103 regarding the need for Humanist Chaplains in the U.S. military.
We have some fantastic speakers lined up for the event, including:
- Jason Torpy, president of the Military Association of Atheists and Freethinkers and endorsing agent for the American Humanist Association’s Humanist Society
- Stephen Boyd, a retired colonel and military chaplain and endorsing agent for the United Church of Christ
- Major Ryan Jean, a member of the military and active humanist.
Since the defeat of the Polis Amendment last year, which would have allowed the military to appoint Humanist Chaplains, humanist soldiers remain chronically underserved. Our experts will provide crucial testimony to educate members of Congress about the importance of including Humanist Chaplains in the U.S. military.