Keep “God” and Theocrats Out of Our Wombs

Atrocities like the Alabama abortion bill proudly signed into law by Governor Kay Ivey on May 16 are some of the reasons why I’m an atheist and a humanist. Barefoot, pregnant, and bombed back to... Read More
Why Are These Facts So Stubbornly Forbidden?

We’ve all experienced pointing out a new fact to someone and seeing them acknowledge it, and even incorporate it into their thinking. I’ve even had this experience with public petitions pushed on powerful people. But... Read More
Theocracy Watch: A Christian 51st State?

Christian conservatives in the State of Washington recently held a fundraiser on behalf of their proposal to create a new state, adding a fifty-first star to our national flag. The original idea was to split... Read More
The Southern Baptist Convention’s Gospel of Rape and Redemption

“Won’t people get mad if we criticize religion in our presentation?” my student asked. She was referring to the prevalence of sexual abuse allegations against religious leaders and my recommendation that we talk about them... Read More
“Narrow Rulings” Mean Little to the Christian Right Give them an inch, they’ll take a mile

Scare tactics are an important weapon in the assault on church-state separation. This was on display in the American Humanist Association’s recent Supreme Court argument challenging the so-called Peace Cross, a forty-foot Latin cross towering... Read More
Learning Right from Wrong: How to Teach the Bible in Public Schools

“Exposure to the Bible has an almost magical influence against crime and the moral/ethical slide of our youth and our nation,” wrote Dr. Robert L. Simonds in a 1996 article published by the Institute for... Read More
Slavery Was Once for Many a “Sincerely Held Belief”

When the editor of this publication reached out to inquire if she could publish a version of my letter to the editor of my local paper concerning a resolution passed in my county, I had... Read More