Enjoying an Evening with Jesus

Why would a humanist family travel to see the Hill Cumorah Pageant—a live, outdoor performance about the Book of Mormon? Pure curiosity. Each July the Pageant brings about 100,000 people to Palmyra, New York, a... Read More
Still, We Rise: The First Women of Color Beyond Belief Conference

Donald Trump’s recent racist, sexist, nativist tirade against congresswomen Ilhan Omar (D-MN), Alexandria Ocasio Cortez (D-NY), Ayanna Pressley (D-MA), and Rashida Tlaib (D-MI)—telling them to “go back and help fix the totally broken and crime... Read More
Growing Up Atheist in Alabama: Exactly as Strange as You Think

For those of you who have found yourself in Alabama, you may be familiar with the three requisite questions in introductions: What’s your name? Are you an Auburn or Alabama football fan? What church do... Read More
Native Identity—Not a Trendy Accessory

On my daily Metro commute to work, I tend to listen to music or read. One recent morning, I sat behind two women chatting about a trip that one was taking to Ecuador to help... Read More
SCOTUS Will Hear a Collection of Humanist Issues

You have read a lot in these pages over the past months about the recent decision by the Supreme Court of the United States that ruled—incorrectly, we believe—that a towering cross can stand on public... Read More
The Beauty of Universal Benefits

Pete Buttigieg scored some points at last week’s Democratic debate by going against popular party opinion on the issue of free college tuition. It isn’t fair, Mayor Pete argued, to make working-class families pay for... Read More
Considering Reparations

When a person mentions the word reparations, many conjure up an image of a zig-zagging, hundred-mile trail of black people lined up at the door of the White House, cartoon money bags in hand, waiting... Read More